MOGA-Men’s Only Yoga

Yoga for men (who don’t want to do yoga, but want to touch their toes)

Now moved to Mondays 6.30pm

If you have ever wanted to try yoga but have maybe felt a bit embarrassed at not being able to touch your toes, or too intimidated to attend a class, then this class is for you.

This class is designed to help you:

  • be able to touch your toes

  • be able to sit on the floor with your legs crossed

  • be able to breath properly

  • develop muscular strength and flexibility

  • work on any muscular imbalances

  • bond with like minded men

No previous knowledge of yoga is required, and any man of any age and level of fitness is encouraged to attend. Yoga mats and props are provided, but you are welcome to bring your own.

Group classes

Blissful Yoga - led group class

Ashtanga based vinyasa - these 1.5 hour classes are designed to help you recognise your present state - physical, emotional and mental. The flow of the asanas will allow you to slow down, to connect your body with your breath and be aware of your current disposition.

The class is concluded with a yoga nidra and is practised in the private Treetops Retreat Yoga Shala, all props are provided, but you are welcome to bring your own.

Group classes

Mysore - self practise

Mysore -style yoga engages students in a self-paced, individualized practice in a group setting. This class format allows each student to move at their own pace and to receive adjustments from the teacher to cater to the individual needs or imbalances of the student. 

The class is concluded with pranayama (breath work) and meditation.

Some knowledge of basic yoga poses is best for style these classes, students are encouraged to commit to practising at home for 2-3 day a week, minimum.

What our clients say….